Wheel Repair Service
Wheel repair services are available here at Extreme Wheels. We can repair your damaged wheels due to curb hits and daily use. Here is one of our customers wheels that had heavy curb rash damage and we were able to fix it and repair to a brand new finish.
Repairing the Effected Area
The next step in finishing the wheel, is grinding and sanding down the effected area to smooth out the rough edges. Shown here in the image below.
Re-Paint and Clear Coat
From there, we then take the wheel and paint match the wheel. After that has dried and has settled, we then do a clear coat and gloss finish to give it that brand new shine.
Finished Product
When all of that has been completed, you get a wheel that looks like it was never hit by a curb. If you ever need a wheel repair service make sure to reach out to us so we can go ahead and fix your damaged wheels.